Nex level fitness

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", one of the best massages I've ever had, good."

Welcome to Nex Level Fitness, Rhonda! Here to help you release stress, relieve achy muscle, or simply close your eyes for an hour, Rhonda is eager to help! 

Let's start with your weekly routine, and how ROUTINES lead to built up tension and overuse injuries. Yes, even healthy fitness routine including stretching will eventually lead to some overuse injuries because of the way we pattern our bodies to respond to physical demands in classes (and outside the gym too). 

We are always trying to prevent injury at Nex Level by stretching, but sometimes you need a professional to just lay into you and release those strong muscles you've built up from 6 weeks of bootcamp, body building, or consistent circuit attedence. 

Michelle decided she wanted to be Rhonda's first client. After a relaxing hour of release and rejuvination she came out and told us. "By the way, she's good. Like REEAALLLY good. Like, one of the best massages I've ever had, good." Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say that for yourself?  

Rhonda will be taking clients from 1:30-3:30 pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays, offering the following services:

  • Structural Myofascial Work (myofascia = muscle tissue)
  • Trigger Point Therapy (think spasms and knots)
  • Deep Tissue 
  • Muscle Isolation
  • Sports Massage

Choose the amount of time you'd like:

25 minute massage - $40

50 minute massage - $70

80 minute massage - $100

110 minute massage - $130

Introductory offer! $10 off your first massage at Nex Level Fitness